Chiropractic is a health care discipline based on the scientific premise that the body is a self-regualting, self-healing organism. These important functions are controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of the body. “Chiropractic” comes from the Greek word Chiropracktikos, meaning ‘done by hand’.
The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine and pelvis) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health.

Chiropractic also places an emphasis on nutrition and exercise, wellness* and healthy lifestyle modifications.
*The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia defines Wellness:
‘Wellness is a lifelong process of assuming personal responsibility that empowers the individual to exercise choice, make informed decisions and take action towards a more balanced, dynamically sustainable and fulfilling existence in all dimensions of life’.